

Financial support contributes to the goals of Castle de Haar Foundation

Kasteel de Haar Foundation is the largest and most luxurious castle in the Netherlands and belongs to the international top of historical country houses. A visit to Kasteel de Haar takes visitors back to the heyday of the castle and its residents and the enormous wealth in which the international jet set lived at the beginning of the 20th century. De Haar displays the un-Dutch opulence in which the residents and their guests lived with a wealth of art and cultural history.

Kasteel de Haar is in the top-20 of Dutch museums with the largest number of visitors. Kasteel de Haar Foundation does not receive state, provincial or municipal subsidies for its museum task. De Haar is completely dependent on its own income from ticket sales, activities and events.

Financial support, large or small, one-time or structural, contributes to the preservation and accessibility of the castle and gardens, to research, to education, and to the maintenance and restoration of the collection.
Your support is greatly appreciated.

A donation can be transferred using the following information:

Utrecht Chamber of Commerce: 4126544
Rabobank Iban: NL86RABO0126956278
VAT: 8073.49.707.B01
With reference to donation Castle de Haar

Or easily use the QR code below

"With your support, you are making a difference!"


Single or periodic donation
You can donate to Stichting Kasteel de Haar once or periodically. You can make a one-time donation. You can also donate periodically: if you donate an annual amount for at least five consecutive years on the basis of annuity. Periodic donations can be fiscally advantageous if you donate according to the Giving Act 2012-2017.

Extra tax benefit for donations to cultural sector
The Giving Act, which encourages donations to the cultural sector, has been expanded and extended through 2017. Givers are thus encouraged to give more to culture.

A gift to an ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) that is designated as a cultural institution is temporarily going to provide an additional tax advantage in income tax and corporate tax. A taxpayer in the income tax may namely take into account 1.25 times the amount of the donation made for the gift deduction. This additional deduction will be applied on up to €5,000.00 of donations made to cultural institutions.

For corporate income tax purposes, 1.5 times the amount of the donation made may be deducted. Also in the corporate tax, this additional deduction is applied over a maximum of € 5000 of the donations made to cultural institutions. This additional gift deduction can be declared for the first time in the tax return for the 2012 tax year. This return will be included in 2013. From: information sheet Ministry of Finance on the Giving Act, p 3.

Learn more about charitable donations

Named fund
You can also donate or bequeath your own named fund. You determine the objective of the fund for the preservation and maintenance of Stichting Kasteel de Haar. A named fund is a separate and visible part of Foundation Castle de Haar. A named fund is possible from € 50.000,-.

Castle de Haar Foundation is considered by the tax authorities to be a cultural Institution for General Benefit and is therefore exempt from gift tax.

Look here for the registration of Castle de Haar Foundation as a cultural ANBI.


One-time donations

Donations to Castle de Haar Foundation are deductible for income tax as a personal deduction. The deductibility of the one-time gift is related to the amount of your income. The higher the income, the higher the thresholds.
The threshold for deduction of ordinary gifts is 1% of your 'threshold income', but at least € 60. You may deduct a maximum of 10% of your threshold income in ordinary gifts. Your threshold income is the total of your income and deductions in box 1, 2 and 3, but without your personal deductions.

How does it work in practice?
Suppose you have an annual income of € 25,000.00 then the threshold is € 250.00 and the maximum deductible amount is € 2,500.00. If you donate € 2,500.00 the amount of € 2,250.00 is deductible (€ 2,500.00 gift - the threshold of € 250.00 = € 2,250.00). At a tax rate of, say, 52%, the donation will not cost you € 2,500.00 (which Castle de Haar Foundation does receive), but € 1,330.00.

To realize maximum gift deduction for ordinary gifts, a minimum of 11% of the aggregate income for personal deduction must be donated.

You can use the gift calculator to calculate your tax benefit of the one-time gift.

Would you like to make a one-time donation to Castle de Haar Foundation? Then please use the QR code below:


periodic donations 

For periodic donations, this tax threshold does not apply if a donation agreement stipulates that you transfer a fixed amount to the ANBI institution for at least 5 calendar years. The legislator then speaks of structural support of a charitable institution and grants the donor the full deduction. You can compare this deduction with the mortgage interest deduction. Depending on your income, you get 35% to 52% of the donation back. Would you like to make a periodic donation to Stichting Kasteel de Haar, look here for more information.

If you donate an annual amount for at least 5 calendar years to Stichting Kasteel de Haar, the tax benefit will be the greatest. This periodic donation takes the form of an annuity that is recorded in a notarial deed. The payments stop when the insured person, normally the donor himself, dies in the meantime.

How does this work in practice?
Suppose you make a 5-yearly donation (periodic donation) to Stichting Kasteel de Haar of € 1.000,00 per year (Stichting Kasteel de Haar pays the notary fees for donations from €- 500,00 per year). Foundation Castle de Haar will then actually receive € 1.000,00. You may then in your tax return a tax deduction of
€ 1.250,00 (= 125% of € 1.000,00). At the 52% tax bracket, the deduction amounts to € 650.00. For you, the net cost of your donation is € 350.00 per year (€ 1,000.00 donation - € 650.00 deduction = € 350.00).

You can use the gift calculator to calculate your tax benefit and see what you can donate extra thanks to the tax benefit.


Of course you are completely free to donate an amount of your choice to Castle de Haar Foundation, every contribution is very welcome.

Download the donation agreement for a periodic donation to Stichting Kasteel de Haar, fill it out and send it to Stichting Kasteel de Haar, Kasteellaan 1, 3455 RR Haarzuilens.

For more information, please contact Anetta de Jong, director Kasteel de Haar at and 030-6778528.