Opening weekend Septembertradition | Castle de Haar

enter tradition: opening weekend september tradition

September 2 and 3, 2023

Step inside an old, rich tradition during the opening weekend of the special September month at Castle de Haar! The entire month the castle is dedicated to the September tradition: guests from all over the world stayed at the castle at the exclusive invitation of the Baron and Baroness. During this 'September stay' the guests were not to lack anything. Therefore, well before their arrival, the entire castle was made tiptop!

Read more about the September tradition

Opening weekend Sept. 2 and 3

This coming September this old tradition will come back to life and you will experience the activity of the past at Castle de Haar. A unique look behind the scenes back in time, some 100 years ago. On September 2 and 3 you can have all your senses stimulated with the extra activities, especially for the opening weekend. Admire the classic carriages and vintage cars in the park, attend the unique church service or let the kids win a butler's diploma with the Butler Race.

Unique church service: Sept. 3, 4 p.m.

As was the case every Sunday in those days, there will be a unique church service on Sunday afternoon, September 3, at 4 p.m. in the chapel next to the castle. This service, an evening prayer, will be led by Pastor Ambting of the parish Light of Christ from Vleuten. You can attend with the purchase of a park or castle ticket! Please sign up for this, by emailing with the subject line: church service. Availability is in order of registration and limited.

Butler race: September 2, 3, 9 and 10

For the youngest visitors, there is an exciting butler race in the park on Saturday and Sunday, with which they can earn a real butler's diploma. Who can finish the route fastest without dropping glasses? The Butler Race can also be done on the weekend of Sept. 9 and 10. In addition, two fun scavenger hunts are available throughout September, in the maze and in the castle.

More about the Butler Race
More about the scavenger hunts

All month: see, smell and taste!

You can expect all this and more during the opening weekend of the September tradition. But also during the rest of the month you as a visitor will be part of the hustle and bustle at the castle. See, smell, taste and experience Castle de Haar in September in its full glory!