Butler Race
Are you a superbutler?


Will you manage to be a real butler? Come prove it in September at Castle de Haar!

A lot of people used to work at Castle de Haar, to make the guests comfortable. Someone from the staff who was very important was the butler. He set the table nicely and gave the guests snacks and drinks. He had to be very careful because he carried trays full of glasses. That wasn't easy, the trays were super heavy! Could you do it?

Do the Butler Race and prove that you are a real butler! Can you finish the route the fastest without dropping the glasses? Then you are a super butler and deserve the butler diploma!

The Butler Race is on Sept. 2, 3, 9 and 10 in the park and suitable for children ages 5 and up.

Read all about the September tradition in

The September blogs

Blog Series

September tradition

Blog Series

Soirées Septembre